Sunday, October 29, 2006


DEATH METAL. If you here those two words screamed at you, you had better run. Houses are burned to the ground in its path. Happy Hallosween.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Problem Child

So like I heard that they were filming for Days of Thunder 2. The word on the street is they have this amazing new actor to replace T. Cruise with. I guess the new guy can do all of his own stunts and work on the race car himself and he doesn't follow some kooky alien-based religion. If you don't think this will be a blockbuster get ready to have your block busted.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Today, All the Streets are Empty

Many nights begin wih a drive to some spot. Whether it be a diner, a movie theater, a football game, or a bar. This night was no different. What was different was the unimaginable effects of the chemistry between alcohol and awesomeness. It began with the drive; from one Don Charnow's to the great nightlife of Downtown San Diego. The road was long and hard but the spirits of all of the evening's participants were high. That being said, the damage the road did to to everyone's attitude was small. Upon arriving in the vicinity of the desitnation, there was a warm-up beer and a moment for everyone to relieve themselves. Very nice.

A short moment or two later everyone is satisfied with the street session and are ready for the festivities of the bar. One problem, we have a girl who yielded to the power of the drink in the car. Shit, we didn't even make it in the door before a soldier was down.

Well in the grander scheme of our mission, one soldier can be left behind without guilt. We make it in the bar, nothing exciting really. The usual 10 guys for every girl. A few beers, awkard conversations with the bar's crowd, and even a hip-hop hug later and it was clear this was not where we needed to be. Next spot then? Why not. Same end result there. The street however was alive and well.

The photos that follow are for you, the audience, to draw your own conclusions from. Remember to enjoy the ride, enjoy the madness, and above all, enjoy watching your friends puking their balls off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Settle in for the Ride

Just some random pictures from the last 2 weeks. Andrew with a paperbag mask in the back seat, a purple ninja, the western wood-peewee, and Fos' patch collection attached to his favorite jeans. Cheers to Tuesday evenings.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I've Got a Strong Urge to Fly

Birds have a great sense of awesome about them. They build a nest, lay a few eggs, keep them warm, and wait for them to hatch. When they hatch, they feed the young and continue to protect them from the elements. When the young have grown the parents have one last worry; can they fly? With the push of a beak, they nug their littles ones out of the nest and hope the young can take flight. In the world of the Charnows, it's a little different. Noods is the last of the young at the nest and now it looks like Ma Charnow is the one taking flight. Shortly after this photo was taken, she was airborn and the last thing anyone heard from her was "Piece bitches" coming from the black night sky. True story. Boy scout's honor.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why Ask Why? Jump in the FIRE.........

Ride the Lightning is the most underrated fucking expression ever. Bottom line. Metallica had it right in 1984 and we're still blowing it. Not one person has stepped up and put something out worth having since then. The moment good ole' Mr. Hetfield screamed it into the mic girls were flashing their boobs, dudes screamed at the top of their lungs, beer bottles got cracked over heads, and everyone's blood was really pumping. This is a testament to those who Ride the Lightning. Jehonathan with a pitcher of beer and a straw and Frex with 3 girls. They're throwing FTW's all day. RIDE THE LIGHTNING.........

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Awakening


So for the most part, being awesome is different from person to person, right? Something someone may put under the classification of "Awesome" may not be under the same list of say some other nerd. That's ok. Different strokes for different folks and all that. A few things that everyone should think are awesome are beer, boobs, endless weekends, Tom Selleck, anything with Indiana Jones' name on it, ice cream, checking emails, farting, and badminton. These things are adhesives to our everday life. Without them we would be no better than the apes we evolved from. Get ready, this is the beginning of the public's awareness. SUCK IT.